About me

I am Cleon Gordon Vrede and owner of "Suriname Langu Tours". In 2010, I started as a bartender, gardener and then as a local guide. I did my training at Mets.

From 2016 I started as a freelance guide and worked for several travel organisations at various resorts in the inland of Suriname. During this period I started to think about my own tours, my area and so I started my business "Suriname Langu Tours".

I was born in Paramaribo and raised in the village "Godowata" in the "Langu area". The "Langu area" is located deep in the interior of Suriname, about 375 km from Paramaribo. I'd like to take you to my territory where I grew up, tell you how we live here. My tours are in Dutch and Englisch.

I like the work as a guide because you work with people and because you work with people, it's never the same.

I like the animals very much, so animal spotting is really my specialty. In the jungle of Suriname, you can be find 8 kinds of monkeys and perhaps we can spot all 8 kinds of mockeys with you! You find not only monkeys in the jungle of Suriname, but also two kinds of sloths (2- and 3-fingered sloth, the 2-fingered sloth, which is rare), different frogs, snakes, birds and insects.